Tutorials 4-5

Wednesday, 11.09.2024, 9:00 am

Tutorial 4: Core Facility / Core Manager Tutorial

DRFZ, Seminar room 3
Jochen Behrends & Elmar Endl

Tutorial 5: Flow Cytometry

DRFZ, Seminar room 1+2
Claudia Giesecke-Thiel, Andreas Dolf, Jochen Behrends, Daniel Kage, Toralf Kaiser

This tutorial will provide a short introduction to flow cytometry, with a focus on recent advancements in the field. The primary aim of this session is to foster an interactive discussion on addressing common technical issues encountered with cytometers. We will explore effective strategies to mitigate the need for costly service contracts and reduce downtime due to long waiting periods. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with a live demonstration of a cytometer, where we will detail the essential components, guide you through a laser alignment procedure, and highlight crucial do’s and don’ts. Additionally, we will present methods for monitoring and maintaining optimal performance of your cytometer. This tutorial is tailored for flow core facility staff and leaders, as well as other interested users. Join us to enhance your practical skills and share your experiences in managing cytometer performance efficiently.