German Society for Cytometry
September 9-12, 2025 in Dresden
including pre-conference events

Dear friends of Cytometry,
It is our pleasure to announce the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Flow Cytometry (DGfZ) from September 9- 12, 2025, in the beautiful city of Dresden.
With the theme “From Flow Cytometrist for Flow Cytometrist”, this year’s meeting is centered on fostering an atmosphere of technological exchange and knowledge sharing, embracing the full spectrum of our community’s expertise. We warmly invite participants from all educational backgrounds and career levels—whether you are a student, an early-career researcher, a senior scientist, or an industry expert, your contributions are all valued.
We especially encourage those working in core facilities to join us, as your experiences and insights are essential to the rich, collaborative exchange that makes our society thrive.
Our program will span a wide array of sessions, focusing on cutting-edge advancements in flow cytometry and promoting dialogue among technologists, researchers, and practitioners.
Together, we will cover diverse topics ranging from flow cytometry methodologies, data analyses with a spotlight on artificial intelligence, clinical applications of cytometry to novel assays, reagents as well as functional probes.
A poster session, an industry exhibition and social activities will provide dedicated spaces for exchanging ideas and building professional connections, ensuring that everyone has a chance to share and learn from each other.
Make sure to also join our tutorials and workshops on September 9th and 10th, designed to provide both foundational knowledge and advanced training tailored to all levels of expertise.
On behalf of the society, we look forward to welcoming you to Dresden for an inspiring and engaging meeting!
Best regards,
Claudia (Vice President) and
Oliver (President)
German Society of Flow Cytometry
Pre-Conference Events
Tutorials and the DGfZ Meeting Point Cytometry will take place on Tuesday 9.9.2025 afternoon and Wednesday morning, 10.9.25.
Registration is coming soon.
Cross-sectional events
The Core Facility Networking Event is all about excellence in cytometry service centers.
Visit the Entrepreneur Networking Event as a great forum to discuss ways to transfer technology and science into commercial space.
Abstract submission for short talks and posters
Discuss your projects during short talks and at the poster session! We are excitedly awaiting your contributions. The deadline for short talk and poster abstracts is May 31st 2025.
Discounts wanted? Benefit from reduced rates by becoming a DGfZ member. Additional Early Bird (EB) rates are available until 31st of May.
We facilitate peer networking, collaboration, and industry interaction during coffee and lunch breaks, our poster session, during Networking Events and the Meet the Speaker Event on Thursday evening!
Industry exhibition and interaction
Meet experts from industry present at the DGfZ at the industry exhibition, at the Product Slam, or just over coffee.
Sponsorship opportunities are available – get in touch with us:!
A look Back to 2024
The 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry took place September 10-13th 2024 in Berlin
We are looking back at an intense and enjoyable meeting with excellent scientific and cutting-edge technical presentations covering many of the countless facets of cytometry. We are grateful to the exciting presentations provided by our invited speakers, and applaud the presenters of the selected abstracts.
We kindly thank Barry Moran for introducing the Irish Society for Cytometry at our meeting, and together with Ella Fouhy and David Finlay importantly enriching the quality and scientific breadth of the conference.
No DGfZ annual meeting without the Product Slam! This year, eleven companies conquered the stage and communicated their services and products like you have never seen before. Isabel Hahne rapping the mission of Berlin Partner won the contest – congratulations!
Thanks to more than 30 abstract submissions, we enjoyed a lively poster session. For the first time, the society awarded two Poster Prizes: Jan Maurice Wilder won the Poster Prize for the best poster and presentation in the category “Technical Innovation” and Leonard Fiebig for the best poster and presentation in the category “Application”.
We were honored to welcome Yvan Saeys who gave a lecture on artificial intelligence, explaining its terms and principles, and discussing their current and future applications in cytometry.
Lena Kaufmann´s Guest Lecture on elephant behavior ranging covering trunk morphology, brain activity and the importance of social context for behavioral decisions inspired the audience and satisfied the appetite for science outside the field of cytometry.
Education and networking is key to the German Society for Cytometry. Satellite tutorials given by hand-picked experts in their fields provided deep insight into cytometric technologies, data analysis, and cross-sectional topics such as data reusability and intellectual property. Evening events headlined „Core Facility Networking“ and „Entrepreneur Networking“ provided opportunity to meet peers and colleagues, discuss, share experiences and solutions to challenges met in core facilities, and taking the hurdles on the way to commercializing innovative concepts in cytometry. New members and first-time attendees were invited for the “Meeting Point: Cytometry” gathering prior to the start of the conference, and everyone enjoyed the “Meet the Speaker Evening”.
Last but not least, we are grateful to the support from the meeting´s industry partners who not only provide continuous support without which the conference could not take place in that style, but likewise contribute to the innovative spirit, and discussions between technology and applications in the industry exhibition
This memorable event marked the last in a row of six annual meetings organized and taking place in Germany´s capital. We thank the great local organizing team with the many helping hands from the labs of the past presidents and many more: Most of all Ute Hoffmann and Jacqueline Hirscher, for the excellent, warm-hearted and enduring support of the society´s annual meetings over the past years!
Now, we are excited to open a new chapter in the years to come!
Cytometrists, mark your calenders!
The 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry will take place on: September 9-12th 2025 at the Centre for Regenerative Therapies Dresden of the Technical University Dresden in the beautiful city of Dresden
We are looking forward to seeing you in 2025
Henrik & Oliver
All photos by Ute Hoffmann and Jacqueline Hirscher