12 – 13 march 2025, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Dear Colleagues,
Following on the success of the 1st German Flow Core Summit held in Mainz in 2024, the 2nd German Flow Core Summit 2025 will be held in Freiburg, hosted by the University of Freiburg and the Medical Center – University of Freiburg.
This meeting is aimed at all those who run or work in a flow cytometry core facility and seek to address common issues within the community. We will focus on technology and the operational aspects of a flow facility as well as hear the latest from academic core facility program directors and coordinators.
The 2024 meeting was attended by over 100 core facility members, who came from over 50 facilities located all across Germany and beyond, in addition to the industry participants.
Session topics for the 2nd German Flow Core Summit will include:
- Staff Management
- Equipment Hacks
- High Parameter Flow Cytometry
Further presentations will be given by those working in flow facilities [Crib talks], as well as by our industry colleagues [Technobites].
The meeting will run over two days from midday to midday [12th and 13th of March, 2025]. There will also be ample time in the program to allow for discussions and questions from the community.
Cordially looking forward to seeing you during this meeting in March 2025.
Marie Follo, Ph.D.
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Lighthouse Core Facility