DGfZ member

Why is membership of a science club like the DGfZ of personal benefit to you?
As part of the community, you can expand your scientific knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and grow your passion for science. One of the main benefits of being a member of a science club is the opportunity to actively contribute to the debate on future-oriented research, to develop your own position and to question and expand scientific concepts in a practical way. In this way, you grow into structures that open up new paths and options for your personal career.
Membership Pricing
The annual membership fee for scientists, students technicians and other non-corporates is 20 Euros.
The Corporate Membership fee is 200 Euros per year.

Corporate Membership
The German Society for Cytometry is a non-profit organisation. Its activities are financed by membership fees and grants. The annual conference is organised with the support of industrial companies and funding from the DFG. This makes the extensive programme and the invitation of highly qualified speakers possible. If you would like to support the research network in the extensive field of cytometry by becoming a corporate member of the DGfZ, please contact the DGfZ Executive Board directly.