Dear friends of cytometry,
it is my pleasure to announce the 34th Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ) from September 10th to 13th, 2024 in Berlin, including pre-conference events.
This years’ program is all about engaging in interaction and lively exchange within the cytometry community. As usual we will touch the many facets of cytometry in our sessions on high-dimensional cytometry, new technologies at core facilities, cytometric imaging, nanotechnology, microbiology, and mechanocytometry, all covering state of the art wet lab, advanced data analysis techniques, and exciting applications.
Our community is most important to us, thus again this year we want to welcome everyone but foremost scientists of all levels that are new to the community and first time attendees at our annual meeting. Please join us on 10th of September at 2 pm for the Meeting Point Cytometry – First time attendee and new member welcome orientation to get the most out of your DGfZ community experience.
The Entrepeneur and Core Facility Networking Event will take place, this time on September 10th and on September 11th. They provide a forum for exchange of experience and current developments in these communities at their intersections with cytometry.
This year we offer new and all time favorite tutorials on 10th and 11th of September. Don´t forget to register for the tutorial during the registration process so that we can find room for everyone interested to attend.
Discounted early bird rates are available until 31st of May!
Abstract submission
We are excitedly awaiting your scientific contributions. Please note the deadline for abstract submission for short talks and posters is May 31st 2024.
On behalf of the society, I am looking forward to welcome you to Berlin!
Henrik Mei
German Society for Cytometry