Welcome to Berlin and Abstract book
Dear friends of cytometry,we are looking forward to welcome you to the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society for…
Dear friends of cytometry,we are looking forward to welcome you to the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society for…
Dear friends of cytometry, we like to remind you to submit your abstracts for short talks and posters until 31st of May 2024.If…
The Klaus-Goerttler-Preis is awarded by the German Society for Cytometry annually for excellent theses (usually doctoral or master theses) in cytometry. We invite…
This years’ program is all about engaging in interaction and lively exchange within the cytometry community. As usual we will touch the many facets of cytometry in our sessions on high-dimensional cytometry, new technologies at core facilities, cytometric imaging, nanotechnology, microbiology, and mechanocytometry, all covering state of the art wet lab, advanced data analysis techniques, and exciting applications.
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