Klaus Goerttler Prize

Awarded since 1996

Annual chance to win this prize

Since 1996 the German Society for Cytometry awards younger scientists with the Klaus Goerttler Prize. The prize is dedicated to award scientists at the start of their career for their scientific work of exceptional quality and level of innovation in the field of cytometry.

Since 1996 the German Society for Cytometry awards younger scientists with the Klaus Goerttler Prize. The prize is dedicated to award scientists at the start of their career for their scientific work of exceptional quality and level of innovation in the field of cytometry.

The prize is endowed with 1,000 euros. In addition, the prizewinner will give a presentation on the award-winning research at the annual conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ) in the year of application.

Who can apply for the Klaus Goerttler Prize?
The Klaus Goerttler Prize is open to young scientists who have submitted an outstanding doctoral, diploma, master or equivalent thesis in the field of cytometry within 12 months before the application deadline. The achievement should be supported by adequate publication(s). Candidates may apply themselves or be proposed by others.
Membership in the DGfZ e.V. is not required.

Submit your application by email to the acting president of the Society. Compile all documents in a single PDF file and send it as an attachment or provide a download link.

Valid applications contain:

  • A cover letter, putting the work into context and outlining your engagement in the cytometry community,
  • The thesis, and supporting publications,
  • A CV, and a list of publications,
  • Optional, additional materials, such as letters of support.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline may be excluded from consideration, and may be carried forward to the next award period.

Prize decision

The submitted materials will be assessed by the Board and Advisory Board of the German Society for Cytometry based on scientific merit, level of innovation, and involvement of cytometry, and prospected engagement of the candidate in the scientific community in the area of cytometry. The prize may be divided or awarded more than once. The DGfZ reserves the right not to award a prize due to insufficient quality or for other reasons. The Society is not obliged to give reasons for awarding a prize or for not awarding a prize. The Society also reserves the right to change the amount of the award.


The Klaus Goerttler Prize will be awarded by the president by handing over the prize money and a certificate. The winner will be informed by email as soon as a decision has been reached. The winner presents the awarded work at the annual meeting of the German Society for Cytometry.

The deadline for submitting an application is May 31st of each year.

For further questions, please contact:

Prof. Oliver Otto
President of German Society for Cytometry
Institut für Physik
Universität Greifswald
Fr.-L.-Jahn-Str. 15a
17849 Greifswald


Past winners of the Klaus Goerttler Prize

  • 2023, Annika Betzler, Molecular characterization of the transcriptional co-activator BOB.1/OBF.1 in B versus T lymphocytes and its specific contribution to the Germinal Center Reaction
  • 2022, Dr. Elisa Rosati, Profiling the SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cell repertoire
  • 2021, Janine Kemming, Characterization of pre-existing and (vaccine-) induced SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells
  • 2020, –, No awarding
  • 2019, Zishu Liu, Neutral mechanisms and niche differentiation in steady-state insular microbial communities revealed by single cell analysis
  • 2018, Philipp Rosendahl, Deformability cytometry and 1D fluorescence imaging in real-time
  • 2017, Julia Reinhardt, MAPK signaling and inflammation link melanoma phenotype switching to induction of CD73 during immunotherapy
  • 2016, Jonathan Leo Schmid-Burgk, A FACS sorting-based genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies NEK7 as a novel genetic component of inflammasome activation
  • 2015, –, No awarding
  • 2014/2, Anna Okhrimenko, Systematic study on function and and specificity of human bone marrow memory T helper cells which substantiates the new concept of resting systemic T cell memory preferentially located in the bone marrow
  • 2014/1, Alexander Grünberger, Establishment of a novel type of microfluidic single-cell culture system and its first application in fundamental microbiology and applied biotechnology
  • 2013, Petra Bacher, Development of a flow cytometric assay for high sensitivity detection of rare antigen -specific CD4+ T cells
  • 2012, Susanne Günther, Population structure and dynamics of polyphosphate accumulating organisms in a communal wastewater treatment plant
  • 2011, –, No awarding
  • 2010, Hendrik Kortmann, The Envirostat: A Lab-on-a-Chip Reactor Concept for Single Cell Biotechnology
  • 2009, Frank Schildberg, Molecular mechanisms for the inhibition of T cell activation by fibroblasts and sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver
  • 2008, Elza Friedländer, Molecular interactions of erbB receptor tyrosine kinases – with an outlook on their therapeutic targeting
  • 2007, Claudia Wiacek, Cytomics: Strategien von Cupriavidus necator JMP134 beim Umgang mit dem toxischen Substrat Phenol
  • 2006, –, No awarding
  • 2005, Tytus Bernas, Minimizing photobleaching during confocal microscopy of fluorescent probes bound to chromatin: role of anoxia and photon fluxed
  • 2004/2, Lydia Tesfa, Application of modern flow cytometry based technology to the investigation of T-cells specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • 2004/1, Dèsirèe Kunkel, Visualization of peptide presentation following oral application of antigen in normal and Peyer’s patches-deficient mice
  • 2003, Thomas Meindel, Biochemische und physiologische Reaktionen von inflammatorischen Zellen auf feine / ultrafeine Teilchen
  • 2002/2, Wim Corver, Multiparameter DNA flow cytometry of human solid tumours
  • 2002/1, Tobias Knoch, Approaching the three-dimensional organization of the human genome
  • 2001, Hans-Jörg Hammers, Ultraviolet-induced detection of halogenated pyrimidines: simultaneous analysis of DNA replication and cellular markers
  • 2000, Anne Richter, Prägung des Zytokingedächtnisses in Th-Lymphozyten
  • 1999, Joachim Rauch, Spektrale Präzisionsdistanzmikroskopie zur Untersuchung der 3D-Topologie ausgewählter DNA-Punktmarker
  • 1998, Thomas Schmid, Untersuchungen von Spermaproben der Maus zum Nachweis von Aneuploidie-Induktion: Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung (FISH) mit chomosomenspezifischen DNA-Sonden
  • 1997, Mario Assenmacher, Zytokinexpression in T-Helferzellen: Muster, Kinetik und Prägung
  • 1996, Gero Brockhoff, Drei-Farb-DNA-Analyse mit Quantifizierung des Epidermalen-Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptors in Blasenkarzinomzellen