These are a few reasons why you should become member of the DGfZ

  • Get in touch with the experts in different fields of flow and image Cytometry and Cytomics
  • Get reduced admission fee for all DGfZ conferences and courses
  • Get reduced admission fee for several cytometric conferences and tutorials of our sister societies
  • Get access onto more information on the societies webpage such as consensus protocols, weblinks, e-mail lists, publications
  • Support with your membership participation of young scientists at conferences with cytometric focus


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A decision on admission as a member of the company will be made at the next Board meeting.

The annual membership fee is Euro 20,-. Please transfer regularly (once a year) Euro 20 to the account indicated above or, even better, give the society a direct debit authorisation. To do this please contact: Christian von Rein
I agree with the electronic storage of my data and their use according to the statutes of the DGFZ. I agree that my data are also visible for non-members of the society


Deutsche Ges. für Zytometrie e.V., Heidelberg
Postbank Karlsruhe
IBAN DE63 6601 0075 0000 8497 56

Please note:

So that we can debit your membership fee for the DGfZ from your account via the SEPA procedure, we would ask you to send us the pdf file Mitgliedsantrag . Please fill out both sheets completely and sign both. You can then send the sheets by post:

FBN-Dummerstorf, Christian von Rein, Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196-Dummerstorf.
or by fax: 038208-68-752
or to Christian von Rein by e-mail.

Important note:
Don’t use these bank account data for conference payment.