“Frühere Treffen in der Durchflußzytometrie interessierter Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen hatten den Reiz, dass neue Verfahren vorgestellt, neue Ergebnisse mitgeteilt wurden. Die Organisation lokaler Gruppen in den USA, nationaler Gruppen in Europa zeigen, dass Bedarf für derartige Kommunikation besteht. Es wäre einen Versuch wert, auch im deutschsprachigen Raum Gruppen zusammenzuführen, die sich durch ihr Interesse an Durchflußzytometrie auszeichnen”
Klaus Goerttler, Heidelberger Zytometrie Symposium 1988, S. 17
The Society of Cytometry (Gesellschaft fuer Zytometrie, GZ) was founded in 1989 in Heidelberg (Germany) by the Foundation Council represented by Cess Cornelisse, Georg Feichter, Wolfgang Goehde, Klaus Goerttler, Holger Hoehn, Andreas Radbruch, Peter Schwarzmann, and Günter Valet. An association was born dedicated to provide an interdisciplinary platform for interested scientists basically in the field of flow and image cytometry. Founding members were scientists whose personal scientific development was and is still closely interlinked with the development of cytometric technologies in Europe.
In 1994 the original name of the Society was changed into Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie (DGfZ, German Society of Cytometry). Since the foundation, annual meetings have been organized to provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange in basic research, clinical and industrial developments. The DGfZ offers an organisational structure to the expanding science of Cytometry. The focus of scientific interest of DGfZ activities is the analysis of genetic, physiological and structural processes in cells. Aim of the DGfZ is the promotion of methodological and technical innovation in flow cytometry (FCM), image cytometry (ICM) and slide based cytometry (SBC) which furthers understanding of the cell and its integration into multi-cellular systems.
The spectrum reaches from Oncology, Immunology and Pathology to Cytogenetics, Microbiology and Plant culture as well as Ecology and includes all areas within which the cell is the centre of attention. Therefore, since its foundation the DGfZ was dedicated to provide a platform for interdisciplinary, scientific exchange and to facilitate communication as well as transfer of knowledge and innovative science.
The yearly meeting of the society is characterised by a friendly and warm atmosphere, which gives upcoming graduate students and post-doc’s the opportunity to present their research in a both stimulating and relaxed surrounding. This is accompanied by good lectures at an affordable meeting price, and an almost legendary evening social event.
Looking forward to see you
Susann Müller and Elmar Endl