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4th German Mass Cytometry User Forum 2021 – online

Dear friends and colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the 4th edition of the German Mass Cytometry User Forum – online.
We have assembled an exciting program with a focus on the application of mass cytometry in the study of SARS-Cov2 and COVID-19, and data analysis techniques.
The meeting will be free of charge for academic participants, and we welcome your poster abstracts until 13 December 2020, from which we will select submissions for oral presentation in the program.
I am looking forward to an inspiring Mass Cytometry User Forum in 2021!

Best wishes, Henrik Mei

on behalf of the German Mass Cytometry Network and the Organizing Committee

Dr. Henrik MEI
Principal Investigator * Scientific Head of Mass Cytometry * ISAC Scholar 2017-2021 * Coordinator German Mass Cytometry Network
Deutsches Rheumaforschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ), a Leibniz Institute
Berlin, Germany
