YearWinnerTitle of work
2023Annika BetzlerMolecular characterization of the transcriptional co-activator BOB.1/OBF.1 in B versus T lymphocytes and its specific contribution to the Germinal Center Reaction
2022Dr. Elisa RosatiProfiling the SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cell repertoire
2021Janine KemmingCharacterization of pre-existing and (vaccine-) induced SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells
2020No awarding
2019Zishu LiuNeutral mechanisms and niche differentiation in steady-state insular microbial communities revealed by single cell analysis
2018Philipp RosendahlDeformability cytometry and 1D fluorescence imaging in real-time
2017Julia ReinhardtMAPK signaling and inflammation link melanoma phenotype switching to induction of CD73 during immunotherapy
2016Jonathan Leo Schmid-BurgkA FACS sorting-based genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies NEK7 as a novel genetic component of inflammasome activation
2015No awarding
2014/2Anna OkhrimenkoSystematic study on function and and specificity of human bone marrow memory T helper cells which substantiates the new concept of resting systemic T cell memory preferentially located in the bone marrow
2014/1Alexander GrünbergerEstablishment of a novel type of microfluidic single-cell culture system and its first application in fundamental microbiology and applied biotechnology
2013Petra BacherDevelopment of a flow cytometric assay for high sensitivity detection of rare antigen -specific CD4+ T cells
2012Susanne GüntherPopulation structure and dynamics of polyphosphate accumulating organisms in a communal wastewater treatment plant
2011No awarding
2010Hendrik KortmannThe Envirostat: A Lab-on-a-Chip Reactor Concept for Single Cell Biotechnology
2009Frank SchildbergMolecular mechanisms for the inhibition of T cell activation by fibroblasts and sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver
2008Elza FriedländerMolecular interactions of erbB receptor tyrosine kinases – with an outlook on their therapeutic targeting
2007Claudia WiacekCytomics: Strategien von Cupriavidus necator JMP134 beim Umgang mit dem toxischen Substrat Phenol
2006No awarding
2005Tytus BernasMinimizing photobleaching during confocal microscopy of fluorescent probes bound to chromatin: role of anoxia and photon fluxed
2004/2Lydia TesfaApplication of modern flow cytometry based technology to the investigation of T-cells specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2004/1Dèsirèe KunkelVisualization of peptide presentation following oral application of antigen in normal and Peyer’s patches-deficient mice
2003Thomas MeindelBiochemische und physiologische Reaktionen von inflammatorischen Zellen auf feine / ultrafeine Teilchen
2002/2Wim CorverMultiparameter DNA flow cytometry of human solid tumours
2002/1Tobias KnochApproaching the three-dimensional organization of the human genome
2001Hans-Jörg HammersUltraviolet-induced detection of halogenated pyrimidines: simultaneous analysis of DNA replication and cellular markers
2000Anne RichterPrägung des Zytokingedächtnisses in Th-Lymphozyten
1999Joachim RauchSpektrale Präzisionsdistanzmikroskopie zur Untersuchung der 3D-Topologie ausgewählter DNA-Punktmarker
1998Thomas SchmidUntersuchungen von Spermaproben der Maus zum Nachweis von Aneuploidie-Induktion: Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung (FISH) mit chomosomenspezifischen DNA-Sonden
1997Mario AssenmacherZytokinexpression in T-Helferzellen: Muster, Kinetik und Prägung
1996Gero BrockhoffDrei-Farb-DNA-Analyse mit Quantifizierung des Epidermalen-Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptors in Blasenkarzinomzellen