Thank you for coming to the DGfZ 2012 in Bonn, see you again in Dresden 2013

Dear Participants of the Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry,

The talks have ended, the trade show is packed and the conference site is cleaned up and empty again. The thank you notes are on their way and the expenses have been totalled and will be paid (well, soon). More than 170 people gave their time and resources to attend and contribute. They made this year’s Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry the success, that it was. We are all just back to our daily routines, so what is left ?


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Read more about the article Industrial Exhibitors Information, 22nd Annual meeting DGfZ, Bonn 2012
Das Foyer des Bonner Forschungszentrums caesar mit Empfangstheke. Das Foyer kann auch von externen Interessenten für Veranstaltungen angemietet werden.

Industrial Exhibitors Information, 22nd Annual meeting DGfZ, Bonn 2012

Our annual meeting is recognized as a communication platform for both scientist and industrial representatives, and moreover it is characterised by its informative, friendly and familiar atmosphere (2009, 2010).  In…

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