The 19th annual meeting of the German Society for Cytometry in Leipzig has come and gone, and we want to thank everybody who came and made it the success that it was.
It was a lively and informative meeting and we want to thank the community that makes these things happen.
We want to thank all the speakers for taking time to come to this meeting and sharing their data on current topics of Advanced Imaging, Instrumentation and Development, Neurobiology, Microbiology/Biotechnology, Plant Science, European Networking, Immunology and Stem Cells and Cancer.
We want to thank the exhibitors for providing an overview of state of the art instrumentation and getting their experts on-site for discussion.
We want to thank all young scientists for their participation and their enthusiasm in presenting their data, which was essential for the spirit of the meeting.
And last but not least we want to thank the Leipziger Kubus for hosting us and all the people that helped to organise the meeting and get it running.
We hope you all had a pleasant journey home and to see you again in 2010.
The Organising Committee
Please find attached the final version of the AbstractBook here (AbstractBook-DGfZ2009.pdf).
The Abstracts of the 2009 Conference are also published as Supplemental Information in Cytometry Part B (July 2010) as a part of the conference report within the ‘Regional Spotlight’ category under the titel “The wealth of cytomics. Résumé of the 19th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry (Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Zytometrie, DGfZ)“.
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