Dear friends of cytometry,
we originally planned to hold this year’s annual meeting again on the historic campus of Charité Mitte, in the center of Berlin. Unfortunately, due to the unpredictable development of the pandemic situation, it is still not possible to plan face-to-face events at the end of September.
Notwithstanding, science moves on and we are keen to exchange the latest developments in the field of cytometry – about COVID research and beyond – with you, in the frame of a digital meeting DiGifZ2021 from 29th of September to 1st of October 2021. Please have a closer look to the great scientific program we put together – and register to participate! We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts for short and speedy presentations – and, of course, to a lively exchange within the Cytometry community!
I feel privileged to host this great event, for which we strive to bring together experts from various disciplines for a lively exchange of ideas about game-changing technologies and their newest applications, in accordance with this year´s motto “Innovative technology: expanding perspectives on cells”. A number of exciting invited speakers have already confirmed their attendance, and we will have sessions on well-established topics such as microscopy, cutting-edge technologies, nanotechnology or microbiology as well as on new topics: mechano-cytometry. This inspiring program will certainly spark interesting discussions between scientists, technologists and industrial partners.
In addition to the scientific sessions, we will again have the popular “Product Slam” format, where our industrial sponsors will present their newest innovations within three minutes. There will be opportunities to connect with others and become informed about new products during and after the industry webinars owing to our flexible virtual exchange platform.
I am looking forward to welcoming you at the DiGifZ 2021. Please check regularly our website, as we will adapt our organizational strategy to the pandemic situation.
Raluca Niesner
President of the DGfZ
PS: Registration opens soon